Tuesday 27 September 2016

Unit 52 Introduction

Anatomy of a Magazine Layout

Opening article spread: designed to attract people’s attention, visual draw in, usually double page in print.
Kicker: The first sentence or first few words of a story's lead, set in a font size larger than the body text of the story.
Dek: Part of the headline which summarises the story. Also known as deck copy or bank.
Wordmark: Magazine Title
Tagline: An ending line that makes a point.
Coverlines: Captions on a magazine cover.
Headline (Hed): The main title of the article.
Subhead: A smaller one-line headline for a story
Byline: To give the author credit and avoids copyright issues
Body Text: This is the largest part of any article, essentially the content.
Drop Cap: Capital letter, identifies the start of the article. Usually takes up a few lines
Pull quote: Selected quote from a story highlighted next to the main text. Often used in interviews.
Captions: Text printed below a picture used to describe it and who took it. Sometimes called a cutline.
Credits: Ensures no copyright is infringed
Folio: Page number is mandatory but others are optional, such publication logo, date, month, section title, web page

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